How to change deviantart name
How to change deviantart name

it doesn't even check the refresh token first to see if a pause should be applied? (I had restarted my router and forgot to re-obtain cookies). I went and "registered a new app", executed "gallery-dl-1.18.3.exe oauth:deviantart" again and updated client-secret, client-id, and refresh-token, but this didn't speed things up.īizarrely, in one case, I got a "the refresh token is invalid" error. "cookies": "freshly_updated_cookies.txt", Downloading 60 artworks separately took 6+ hours.Īfter giving up and coming back ~12 hours later, things seem to have actually slowed down even more! Yesterday, the first few artworks took 1 - 2 minutes to download each, then it went up fairly quickly until it reached 8 minutes. There is a noticeable "pause" at the beginning of each command, i.e., no file has been created yet, and sometimes it'll output a "requesting something-something token" a few minutes into the process. Gallery-dl-1.18.3.exe -A=8 -config nf >log_output.txt I was trying to download a number of artworks individually: a while (since December 2020 actually), but I did download a few things here and there, and I didn't have this issue just a few days ago when testing the new version (1.18.3). I admit I haven't used gallery-dl to fully update my deviantArt downloads in.

How to change deviantart name